Nepali Date Converter B.S / A.D

Nepali Date Converter | Convert Date From BS to AD and AD to BS
Nepali Date Converter is the most efficient tool that we need, which converts from Bikram Sambat (BS) to Anno Domini (AD) and from AD to BS.
What is a Nepali Date Converter?
It is said that Bikram Sambat (BS) was introduced in 936 B.S.
Similarly, the data converter helps us to convert the English date to the Nepali Bikram Sambat date and the Nepali Bikram Sambat date to the English date. As per the resources, it is known that the Nepali Data converter is mostly used in Nepal, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia etc. Date Converter BA to AD and AD to Bs data converter converts the Nepali Date (Bikram Sambat) from BS 2000 – 2089 and English Date (AD) from 1944 – 2022.
Nepali people especially use the Nepali Date Converter to convert their birth date and special events from Nepali to English or English to Nepali. This app makes our lives pretty much easier.
Bikram Sambat (B.S) to Anno Domini (A.D)
In Nepal, Bikram Sambat is an officially used calendar. The financial activities, personal details, and other data are prepared using Bikrram Sambat (B.S). The Bikram Sambar is based on the Lunar Cycle however, it does not resemble the Gregorian Calendar date. It’s assumed that there is a gap between around 56 years and 8 months between BS and AD.
The current version of the BS to AD / AD to BS converter Can Convert the Date From 1602 AD to 2044 AD. However, it can be converted to AD from 1658 BS to 2100 BS.
Similarly, this tool can also convert your birthday or any date from Bikram Sambat(BS) to Anno Domini(AD). You can convert a date from the English calendar to the Nepali calendar, you need to know the month and day of the English date first. After filling in all the necessary data, that you gave to Nepali Calander.
For Eg, if you input “January 1” as the English date, it will display the equivalent Nepali date, which would be “Poush 1” in the Nepali calendar.
Nepali Date Converter [Nepali Date Converter B.S / A.D]
Similarly, the Nepali Date Converter is a tool that converts dates from the Gregorian calendar (internationally accepted civil calendar) to the BS calendar, which is mostly used in Nepal.
Not only this, it can also convert data from the Bikram Sambat calendar to the Gregorian calendar. As it’s mentioned above, the Bikram Sambat calendar is a lunar calendar. Nepali Date Converter makes more easier for work to work with dates in Nepal.
The Nepali calendar is also used in Nepal, India, and other countries around the world which is based on the Saka calendar and is a lunar calendar with 12 months. However, the Nepali New Year Baisakah 1 begins in mid-April in English Clander.
Therefore, this is a useful tool for anyone who wants accurate data between different calendars also it’s helpful to work to find out accurately converted dates and avoid any confusion or misunderstandings/displacements.
FAQ about Nepali Date Converter B.S / A.D
Why Date Converter is Needed?
Nepali Date Converter is needed when you have to convert your birth date or other special date from Nepali to English or English to Nepali. In our daily lives, we pretty much use this tool for date conversion.
What is a Nepali Date Converter?
Nepali Date Converter is a tool that converts the Nepali Date from Bikram Sambat(BS) to Anno Domini (AD) and from AD to BS. It is a date converter between Bikram sambat B.S. and the Gregorian calendar (Anno Domini)(A.D).
To make it easier for you we have found some Data converter apps,
- Hamro Patro (For PC and Mobile)
- Nepali Date Converter App (For Mobile)
- Bolpatra Date Converter (For PC and Mobile)
- Rajan’s Nepal’s Date Converter (For PC and Mobile)
- Ashesh Nepali Date Converter (PC and Mobile)
Tech: Date Converter | Easy 5 Apps to change the dates from BS to AD
Hello, I am Sofiya Rajbanshi from Jhapa. I have been writing contents for 3 years. I want to give out all possible news related to my beautiful country Nepal.