Late Princess Shruti Rajya Laxmi Shah Rana Daughter’s Girwani Rana and Surangana Rana || Royal Massacre

Late Princess Shruti Rajya Laxmi Shah Rana and Kumar Gorakh Shumsher Jang Bahadur Rana’s daughters are Girwani Rajya Lakshmi Devi Rana and Surangana Rajya Lakshmi Devi Rana. [Updated 2024]
Birendra Bir Biram Shah is the grandfather of Girwani Rajya Lakshmi Devi and Surangana Rajya Lakshmi Devi Rana. As per the sources, Girwani Rajya Lakshmi was born on 22 June 1998 at Paropakar Maternity and Women’s Hospital in Kathmandu, and The younger one, Surangana Rajya Lakshmi was born on 2nd October 2000.
Shruti Rajya Laxmi Shah’s daughter, Girvani Rana was only three years old and Suranagana Rana was only a month baby when Princess Shruti Shah Rana was shot dead by her elder brother, Dipendra in a royal massacre.
After the death of Shruti Rajya Laxmi, her daughters Girvani Rana and Suragana Rana were raised by their father Kumar Gorakh Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana. Before the death of Shruti Rajya Laxmi Shah Rana, she attended a function with her Elder daughter Girvani Rana.
Moreover, after the death of their mother Shruti Rajya Laxmi Shah Rana in the year 2001 both daughters were raised by their father, and Girwani Rana and Surangana were sent to India for Schooling in Dehradun after completing junior school at St Mary’s School in Jawalakhel, then they were sent to Bangalore for undergraduate studies after she completed her grade twelve from Dehradun. Also, as per the sources, she is doing her undergraduate in psychology in Bangalore.
As a great father the husband of Shriti Rana, Kumar Gorkha decided to keep their daughter in India rather than keeping them in Nepal because of just to forget the memory of the royal incident and to keep low-key from the eye of the public.
Girwani Rana and Surangana lost their Mother ( Shruti Rajya Laxmi Shah Rana), grandfather, Grandmother, maternal uncle, and many other relatives who died in that royal massacre.
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Hello, I am Sofiya Rajbanshi from Jhapa. I have been writing contents for 3 years. I want to give out all possible news related to my beautiful country Nepal.